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Chronic Christmas Panic

Writer: Lisa EhrmanLisa Ehrman

It's time for Christmas-is-almost-here-Panic! Every year I look through my lists of people and gifts, hoping I've done everything. Even when I was healthy, there would be something that I had missed. That meant running around buying what I could at the last minute.

Mother and Child baking

When I was younger and healthy, I took Christmas shopping and food preparation as a race to be run. I would get it all done and then try to sit and enjoy the tree and lights.

Those days are over. I've learned that I can no longer participate in that race. I learned to do less.....a lot less. I still get frustrated and depressed sometimes. I haven't made my favorite treats in years.

Because my memory has gotten worse, I plan every year to make good lists. Now, I start a list and then don't finish with it. I will try to "check my list twice." I fully expect to forget something, but hope no one will get mad at me.

Over the years I have truly become more content. I love watching the grandchildren on Christmas morning and also remembering that Jesus is the reason for the season.

One thing I'm really thankful for is that I don't need to go to any more appointments until January. My pulmonary function tests went well. My results were barely normal (not my description).

Barely normal made Hubby thrilled, while I felt mostly meh. It's not the first time that my tests come back barely normal, but the symptoms remained. Occasionally, the barely normal drops down into the abnormal range.

Having things like this in the back of my mind causes worry. Since I trust God and His plan, I pray daily that His will for me will be done. Accepting God's love brings me joy everyday.

I hope that you are able to find enjoyment in this season. I would love to hear how you deal with chronic illness during the Christmas season.

@2024, copyright Lisa Ehrman

Disclaimer: I'm not a medical expert. This post contains my opinions and experiences and is not meant to be taken as medical advice. If you have a medical concern, please consult your personal physician.



Dec 28, 2024

I also had to accept that I can't do everything anymore. Merry Christmas to you!


Rose Blanchette
Rose Blanchette
Dec 21, 2024

It's definitely challenging, dealing with chronic illness. I try not to get into Christmas panic mode, but am not always successful.


Dec 21, 2024

It's definitely challenging, dealing with chronic illness. I try not to get into Christmas panic mode, but am not always successful.


Cindy Merrill
Dec 20, 2024

My aunt came up with a "Dollar Tree Christmas" theme one year- everything, decor, treats and gifts were from dollar tree. Really did reduce stress.


Dec 19, 2024

I am not sure where or if IBS would be considered Chronic but i have suffered that for over 33 years and symptoms can throw me way out of whack big time with major brain fog and feeling like i had got run over by a mack truck. During the holidays i make sure to take a break each day by just sitting down and just rest and sometimes that helps out a bit.

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