I came home from the hospital on Friday afternoon. My Thursday morning surgery was successful. My talus bone had Avascular Necrosis and was dead throughout, and had to be removed. I had a 3D printed bone in a custom shape.

The surgeon placed the new 3D bone where the original bone was located. He said it was a perfect fit. That helped me to feel relieved. I was just thankful to wake up alive.
The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life. Job 33:4
When I looked down at my ankle I could see that the cast/splint left my toes open to the air and that the splint/cast was very heavy. The nurse showed me the nerve block and the tube that came from it. It looked like a wire that was coiled outside under some clear tape.
It was truly keeping my calf and foot numb. Something happened to the tape when I was transferring from my new wheelchair to the seat in my car. I probably yanked it on something that was sticking out. That transfer was really hard because the car seat was much higher than the wheelchair.
I had to mentally prepare for a big thrust upwards and to the left. After a few tries, I was able to get onto the edge of the seat and then had to slide over. It wouldn't be so hard, but my bad leg wasn't allowed to touch the ground and my right leg has a sprain or something.
Both wrists are damaged and the right wrist will have surgery next. Wrists are needed to help lift my weight, but mine are flimsy. I have AVN in the right wrist and it's starting in the left. Last night I slid down to the floor during a transfer. It took a few times of huffing and puffing to finally get up to the seat. Hubby and I were so exhausted last night.
I was barely able to transfer and he felt responsible for keeping me from falling. We both slept well last night! When I went to sleep last night there was nerve blocking fluid dripping from the hole in my bad leg. I had to keep a towel under my knee all night, but I think it has slowed down now.
I can feel more pain in the surgery area of my foot, but with the strong pain medication I can deal with it. I only have this medicine for about 15 days. Based on my other surgeries, this should work well.
We've made some purchases that help people with disabilities to transfer from seat to seat. We bought a sliding transfer board, so that I can scoot along the board for an easier transfer.
We just received a product that fits around the toilet with handles, so that I can move easily. I just ordered a shower cap that comes with shampoo. You may have used one in the hospital. When you push your hair in the cap, it just takes about 20 seconds of massaging the cap to get the hair clean.
You don't have to rinse and the hair gets clean. I think I will like that better than dry shampoo. This will feel good, because I haven't washed my hair since Thursday.
I'm so thankful that God created brilliant people who could design these 3D printers....that can create a titanium bone!!!
My home health Occupational Therapist will see me for a while and I know that she can help me with being able to accomplish more . My daughter is an OT and I hear all about how OT's can benefit their patients.
I'm praying that this six weeks in a cast will go by quickly and that healing will be great and will last long-term. Thanks for being good listeners, and I would love to hear about your struggles with chronic illness.
@2025, copyright Lisa Ehrman
Disclaimer: I'm not a medical expert. This post contains my experiences and opinions and is not meant to be taken as medical advice. If you have a medical concern, please consult your personal physician.